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Healthcare concept of professional psych

We help consult with families to find the most appropriate placement. 

Partner Programs

In Balance Foundation partners with programs who are willing to discount their services to accommodate a scholarship client. We only partner with research backed, licensed, effective programs.

Private Parties


Woman on Phone
Phone Assessment 

We assess the personal needs of the client and their families to ensure they get the right kind of care to meet their needs. 

Healthcare concept of professional psych
In Person Assessment

If possible, we will assess in person, to develop a deeper understanding of the client's clinical needs to make an informed decision of what they need going forward.

Corporate Events


Men with Calculator
Request a Scholarship

We help procure scholarships at the top programs around the country.

Dollar Bill in Jar

We take donations year-round. We will provide receipts for tax deduction purposes. 

Dress up as a famous celebrity! (1)_edit
Annual Fundraiser

In Balance Foundation hosts an annual fundraiser in Tucson, AZ. It includes live music, motivational recovery speakers, live and silent auctions! Buy tickets today!

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